West Accuses Iran of Intimidating IAEA

The United States and other Western nations are condemning Iran's decision to bar nuclear inspectors as an attempt to intimidate the U.N. nuclear agency.

U.S. envoy Glyn Davies told the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna Wednesday that it should consider action against Tehran. Davies says the inspectors report accurately and that Iran's decision to keep them out is unprecedented.

Iran barred two IAEA inspectors from the country earlier this year, saying they made "false reports" about the country's nuclear facilities.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told NBC television Wednesday that Tehran was justified in keeping the inspectors out.

Mr. Ahmadinejad said even if sanctions on Iran are increased 100 times, Iran can meet its own requirements and does not need the United States.

IAEA chief Yukiya Amano says Iran's actions are preventing verification of its claims that its nuclear program is for peaceful civilian purposes. The United States and many of its allies say Iran is planning to build a nuclear bomb.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice told the Security Council Wednesday that there is "clear evidence" Iran is refusing to take steps to resolve international concerns about its nuclear program.

She accused Iran of consistently violating U.N. sanctions.

The U.N. imposed a fourth set of sanctions on Iran in June for refusing to stop enriching uranium.

British, French, and U.S. ambassadors said Wednesday that the U.N. is too slow in setting up a panel to monitor the sanctions.