Iran, UN Nuclear Agency Resume Talks

Iran resumed talks on its nuclear program Saturday with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

A spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization was quoted by the nation's official IRNA news agency as saying the talks in Tehran were "good, constructive and progressing."

The spokesman, Behrouz Kamalvandi, said Iran's consultations with the United Nations nuclear agency will continue on Sunday.

The IAEA wants Iran to address suspicions it has been researching how to build a nuclear bomb, a claim Iran has long denied.

Kamalvandi was quoted on Friday as saying Iran was ready to answer the U.N. agency's questions.

Saturday's talks follow January's implementation of a modest easing of international sanctions against Iran. In return, Iran agreed to freeze some of its nuclear activities.

The nuclear deal, agreed to in November, called for Iran to limit its uranium enrichment, which the West says was aimed at building nuclear weapons.

Six world powers -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- negotiated the six-month pact.