Iraqi PM's Alliance: Election Tainted by Up to 750,000 Fraudulent Votes

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's political grouping says its investigation into last month's parliamentary election has uncovered evidence of fraud affecting up to 750,000 votes.

Mr. Maliki's State of Law alliance said Sunday its estimated tally of fraudulent votes had significantly affected the outcome of the election, which made the grouping the second largest in parliament.

Alliance spokesman Hajim al-Hasani says it found evidence of vote manipulation in five provinces, including Baghdad - which has the largest share of parliamentary seats.

He says the alliance has filed a complaint about the alleged fraud to an Iraqi election appeals committee and wants a recount of votes in those provinces.

International observers have said the March 7 election was fair. Its results were inconclusive, leaving the two main groupings far short of a parliamentary majority.

Official results made the Iraqiya alliance of former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi the largest in parliament with 91 seats, two ahead of Mr. Maliki's alliance. Both groups have been seeking coalition partners to build a majority in the 325-seat assembly.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.