Israel Extends Crackdown Against Extremists

Palestinian demonstrators throw stones toward Israeli security forces during clashes after the funeral of Palestinian Saed Dawabsheh who died after an arson attack on his family's home, in the West Bank village of Duma near Nablus, Aug. 8, 2015.

Israel responded further to Jewish extremists Sunday by arresting suspects in West Bank settlements and placing two high-profile radicals under a type of detention that allows for holding them for six months without charges.

Police said the raids were linked to recent events in the West Bank, but did not say how many suspects they detained.

Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry said Meir Ettinger, who is the grandson of U.S.-born far right-wing rabbi Meir Kahane, and Eviatar Slonim had been placed under administrative detention for their alleged involvement with extremist groups.They were arrested last week.

Map of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon signed an order placing a third extremist in administrative detention last Tuesday.

The crackdown on extremists follows a July 31 firebombing in the West Bank that killed an 18-month-old Palestinian and his father while also wounding his mother and brother.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the attack an act of terrorism.

Those arrested in Sunday's raids, as well as the three extremists in administrative detention, have not been directly linked to the firebombing.

Some material for this report came from AP, AFP and Reuters.