Journalists Search Home of Suspects in California Shootings

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Television crews and journalists were allowed inside the home of the suspected California shooters Friday after the landlord opened the doors to them.

Viewers got their first glimpse of the townhouse, including photographs, baby toys and dirty dishes, as journalists looked for clues as to what drove the couple to open fire at a social services agency in San Bernardino, killing 14 people.

Reporters at the home of Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, described the scene as chaotic, with some reporters rifling through the objects in the house.

​Some television crews displayed driver's licenses and Social Security cards on screen, prompting a barrage of angry complaints on social media that the journalists were allowed to show sensitive information and disturb the site.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is investigating the San Bernardino shooting as an "act of terrorism," said authorities returned the home to the owner after executing a search warrant. Authorities said they no longer controlled access to the site.

The landlord opened the doors to the home for about 90 minutes Friday as more than 100 journalists entered the space or set up on the front lawn.

Among the items visible in the home was a list that authorities had left behind, indicating what they had seized.