Karzai to Visit Qatar to Explore Peace With Taliban

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is seen in a March 6, 2013, file photo.

Afghanistan's Foreign Ministry says President Hamid Karzai will visit Qatar to discuss the possibility of the establishment of an office for the Taliban in the Gulf state.

Authorities say an office for the militants could help facilitate the negotiation of an end to the 11-year war in Afghanistan.

An Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman said Sunday Karzai will discuss the creation of the office on an official visit with the Qatari emir. The meeting in Qatar is expected to take place within weeks.

In the past, President Karzai has accused the United States of holding talks with the Taliban without Afghan participation as a means to extend Washington's military involvement in the country. The U.S. denies such talks have taken place.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.