Kyrgyzstan Demands Extradition of Ousted President

Kyrgyzstan's interim government says it has formally asked Belarus to extradite ousted President Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

The deputy leader of the interim government, Azimbek Beknazarov, said Friday that the request has been sent to Belarus, where Mr. Bakiyev took refuge last month.

Mr. Bakiyev fled Kyrgyzstan after he was toppled on April 7 during massive protests that killed 85 people. The opposition took power after the president was ousted amid allegations of corruption and nepotism.

The interim government has charged Mr. Bakiyev with mass killing, accusing him of ordering security forces to open fire on anti-government protesters during the uprising.

On Thursday, the international police agency Interpol said it has issued an arrest warrant for one of Mr. Bakiyev's sons, Maksim, on fraud charges.

The Kyrgyz interim government this week offered cash rewards for information leading to fugitive relatives and colleagues of the deposed leader, including Maksim Bakiyev.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.