Lebanon to Raise Israeli Spy Accusations at UN

Lebanese officials plan to raise accusations of Israeli espionage at the United Nations, after authorities arrested and charged several Lebanese telecom workers with spying for Israel.

Speaking late Wednesday after a cabinet meeting, Lebanese Information Minister Tareq Mitri said the ministers agreed to submit a detailed report about the alleged Israeli spy networks to the U.N. Security Council.

In the past month, Lebanon has detained at least three employees of the state-owned phone company Alfa, suspected of spying for Israel.

The decision was made on the same day a Lebanese military court sentenced a man to death for giving information about the militant group Hezbollah to Israel in 2008.

Hassan Ahmed al-Hussein was charged with providing Israel detailed information about Hezbollah officials and other targets.

Last week a military court sentenced another Lebanese man to death for giving Israel security information during its 2006 war with Hezbollah.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.