7 Killed in Libya Airstrikes

Rescuers transport a casualty who was wounded during an air strike on a food supply storage area, to Zawura Hospital in Zawura, Dec. 2, 2014.

Libyan officials say forces loyal to Libya's internationally recognized government have carried out airstrikes in the western part of the country, killing at least seven people and wounding about 25 others.

Local officials say the strikes on the town of Zuwarah targeted a food depot, a chemical plant and a fishing port.

At least five workers were among those killed.

Officials say forces loyal to former Libyan General Khalifa Haftar, who is conducting a campaign against Islamist militants, were behind the airstrikes. He has ordered an offensive against Islamists west of the capital, Tripoli, and in Libya's key eastern city, Benghazi.

Libya has been in chaos since longtime authoritarian leader Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown in 2011.

The army has been fighting an array of Islamist, tribal and regional groups in recent months.

Libya's government and parliament took refuge in remote areas in eastern Libya when Islamist-backed militias seized Tripoli in August. The government has struggled to establish its authority across the country, while militants have a large part of it under their control.