Libya: NATO Strikes Near TV Station During Gadhafi Speech

In this photo taken on a government organized tour, officials inspect damage at a building following an airstrike in Tripoli, Libya, early Saturday, April 30, 2011

Libya says NATO air forces bombed a site near the national broadcast offices early Saturday while Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was inside delivering an address to the nation.

The government says the bombing shows allied forces are specifically targeting Gadhafi.

In an hour-and-a-half long televised speech, the Libyan leader vowed he would not step down from power. However, he called for talks with Libyan rebels and NATO countries involved in airstrikes in the country.

Libyan rebels rejected his call for negotiations saying the time for compromise had passed. Rebels from the Transitional National Council said Gadhafi's government has lost all credibility.

Libya's conflict spilled beyond its borders Friday, as forces loyal to Gadhafi clashed with Tunisian soldiers after chasing rebel fighters across the frontier.

The incursion drew a sharp reaction from Tunisian authorities, who summoned Libya's ambassador to protest.

Libyan pro-government forces have been trying to reclaim the border crossing, in the western Wazin region, which was seized by rebels last week.

Meanwhile, NATO says its warships intercepted pro-Gadhafi forces laying anti-ship mines in the harbor of the western, rebel-held city Misrata. NATO warned Misrata port authorities, who closed the facility, forcing the cancellation of the arrival of two aid ships.

The port is the only lifeline for the city of 300,000, which has been under siege for two months.

NATO operations commander Brigadier Rob Weighill said the alliance intercepted several small boats Friday. He said the incident shows what he called Mr. Gadhafi's complete disregard for international law by trying to keep humanitarian aid from being delivered to civilians.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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