Libyan Renegade General Strikes Eastern Militants

A member of the February 17th Brigade, points at the site of a bombing at the brigade's base after it was bombed by two jets in Benghazi, Libya, May 28, 2014.

Security officials say Libyan war planes have bombed militia bases in the eastern city of Benghazi as part of a campaign by a rogue former general to root out insurgents in the area.

Forces loyal to former general Khalifa Haftar launched two airstrikes Wednesday on the February 17 Martyrs Brigade compound west of the city.

No casualties were reported, but witnesses say there was structural damage.

The February 17 brigade is made up of former Islamist ex-rebels and is one of the largest militant groups in Benghazi.

General Haftar and his so-called National Libyan Army have been fighting militants for months in Benghazi, Libya's second largest city.

Haftar touts himself as a nationalist who is waging a war to save the country from Islamic extremists.

Forces loyal to Haftar, which overran parliament earlier this month, have vowed to fight against what they call an illegitimate government, its Islamist allies as well as regional and al-Qaida-affiliated militias.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.