DRC Rebels Seize Goma

M23 rebels guard weapons given to them by the government's army, Goma, DRC, November 21, 2012.

A Congo government policeman hands in his weapon to M23 rebels during an M23 rally in Goma, DRC, November 21, 2012.

Congo government policemen, foreground, and civilians gather during a M23 rally in Goma, Congo, November 21, 2012.

A M23 fighter, wearing a belt of ammunition, walks down a street in Goma, after the rebels captured the city from the government army, November 20, 2012.

People walk the streets of Goma, DRC during a lull in the fighting, November 20, 2012. (VOA 100 Citoyens journalistes de RD Congo)

M23 rebels in the streets of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo, November 20, 2012. (A. Malivika/VOA)

M23 rebels enter Goma, November 20, 2012. (A. Malivika/VOA)

M23 rebels celebrating their takeover of Goma, DRC, November 20, 2012. (A. Malivika/VOA)

M23 spokesperson Lt. Col. Vianney Kazarama entering Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, November 20, 2012. (A. Malivika/VOA)

M23 Rebels patrolling in Goma, DRC, November 20, 2012. (A. Malivika/VOA)