Medical Pardon May Be Possible for Peru's Fujimori

A man holds a sign with a portrait of Peru's jailed President Alberto Fujimori and the Spanish word "Danger" during a march in Lima, Peru, July 7, 2017. Peruvian President Pedro Kuczynski said Friday that a group of doctors will help him determine whether to release ex-president Alberto Fujimori, sentenced to 25 years prison, with a medical pardon.

Peru’s president says a decision about granting a medical pardon to imprisoned former President Alberto Fujimori will likely be made “before the end of the year.”

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski told a local radio station Friday that a pardon for the former leader would not be a pardon for his crimes, but would instead be based on the recommendations of Fujimori’s doctors.

The ex-president was taken to a hospital Friday after he displayed signs of hypertension and an irregular heartbeat, according to his doctor.

Fujimori, who is 78 years old, is serving a 25-year sentence for human rights violations, corruption and the sanctioning of death squads during his presidential term.

Demonstrators took to the streets of Lima on Friday in an effort to persuade Kuczynski to withhold a pardon for Fujimori who has been in and out of the hospital several times with a host of illnesses.