Member of 'Cuban Five' Released From US Jail

A member of the so-called "Cuban Five" espionage ring has been released from a U.S. jail after serving 13 years of a 15-year sentence.

Rene Gonzalez, who had been jailed since 1998, left the prison in Florida early Friday.

He must serve three years probation in the United States. His lawyer says he will make a renewed request for Gonzalez to instead be allowed to return to Cuba.

Gonzalez was convicted in 2001 with four others for being part of a Cuban spy ring that infiltrated exile groups in Florida. The Cuban government, which has hailed the five as heroes, has said the men were monitoring exile groups to protect the island from attacks.

Cuba has demanded Gonzalez, who was born in the U.S. and moved to Cuba as a child, be returned to the island.