Merkel Arrives in Ghana; Migration Key Concern

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is welcomed by Ghana's Vice President Bawumia at the Jubilee Airport in Accra, Ghana, Aug. 30, 2018.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has arrived in Ghana during a three-nation West Africa visit aimed at boosting investment in a region that is a major source of migrants heading toward Europe.

Merkel is meeting with President Nana Akufo-Addo and traveling with nearly a dozen German CEOs to help promote business ties.

The German leader first stopped in Senegal, another of Africa's fastest-growing economies, and will continue on to Nigeria, Africa's most populous country and one of the world's top oil producers.

Migrant arrivals in Europe across the Mediterranean from Africa and Turkey are at their lowest level in five years but the issue remains sensitive.

Some in Europe hope that investing more in West Africa will help keep people in a region plagued with unemployment and rising extremism from leaving.