'We Are United': Merkel, Other Leaders React to London Bridge Attack

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi review the honor guards before German-Indian government consultations at the chancellery Berlin, May 30, 2017.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday in a statement that she had learned with “sadness and dismay” about the attacks in London.

“Today, we are united beyond all borders in horror and sorrow, but also in determination,” she said.

She added “... in the fight against every form of terrorism, we stand firmly and with determination at Britain’s side.”

Shocking and cowardly

French President Emmanuel Macron said French citizens were among those wounded in Saturday’s “abominable and cowardly” attack and France will continue fighting “terrorism with all our strength alongside Britain and all other countries concerned.”

London has a large French population, and the Elysee Palace said security would be tightened for expatriates voting in London Sunday in the upcoming French parliamentary election.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the attacks, saying they caused shock and anguish.

Islamic terror not yet confirmed

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Sunday two Australians were affected by the attack. One was confirmed to be in a hospital, and Australian officials were working to determine the status of the second person.

While the British authorities have not confirmed that the attackers were by Muslim extremists, Turnbull has assumed that they are.

“This attack is yet another cruel example of the new reality in which we live, the ever-present threat of murderous Islamist terrorists, intent to harm our communities, our way of life and the freedoms we hold dear,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he condemns the attack.

The Kremlin said Putin sent a telegram to Prime Minister Theresa May saying joint efforts to fight terrorism should be stepped up.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said “We stand together with the people of London.”

‘“This has been a terrifying experience for many people,” said Cressida Dick, London’s Metropolitan Police commissioner of the London Bridge attack that killed seven people and wounded 48. She said “increased patrols will include armed officers.” British police traditionally do not carry weapons. She urged London residents to “remain calm and be very vigilant.”