Mexico: Grenade Attack Kills 6

State police and forensic experts outside of a nightclub in Guadalajara, Mexico, after gunmen opened fire and hurled a grenade, February 12, 2011

Six people were killed and at least 37 wounded in northern Mexico when armed men opened fire on a crowded nightclub in an attack officials say is linked to drug cartels.

Officials said gunmen drove up to the the nightclub in Guadalajara in the early hours of Saturday and started shooting. They said one of the attackers also threw a grenade into the entrance of the bar.

The dead included a Venezuelan and a Colombian as well as four Mexicans.

Guadalajara has seen an increase in drug-related violence in recent weeks.

Mexican military forces have been engaged in a brutal struggle against the country's violent drug cartels. At least 34,000 people have been killed in Mexico's drug war since President Felipe Calderon took office in late 2006 and began cracking down on the cartels.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AF.