Iran Takes Action Against TV Channel That Aired Protests

A demonstrator chants slogans while holding up an Iranian national flag during a pro-government rally denouncing last week’s violent protests over a fuel price hike in Tehran, Iran, Nov. 25, 2019.

Iran has imposed punitive measures on individuals associated with a London-based TV channel that aired videos of anti-government protests.

The judiciary's website said it imposed "judicial and legal restrictions" on property held by individuals associated with Iran International, without elaborating. The channel is believed to be linked to Saudi Arabia. Iran has accused Saudi Arabia and Western nations of fomenting the unrest.

The Persian language channel had aired several videos of the anti-government protests that erupted across Iran last week in response to a fuel price hike.

Amnesty International says at least 143 people were killed and that security forces fired on unarmed protesters.

In 2017, BBC filed a complaint to the United Nations over Iran freezing the assets of more than 150 people linked to its Persian service.