Netanyahu: Palestinians Responsible for Baby's Death 'Abhorrent'

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Israeli forces shot on Wednesday and killed a suspected Palestinian terrorist they held responsible for the death of a 4-day-old Jewish baby after a drive-by shooting.

Officials said the suspect, Salah Barghouti, was killed trying to escape during a raid on a West Bank village. A number of others were arrested.

The premature baby died Wednesday, three days after his mother was shot in the abdomen from a passing car allegedly driven by the suspected terrorists. Six other people, including the baby's father, were also wounded.

The mother, Shira Ish-ran, was 30 weeks pregnant with her son. She was rushed into surgery, where doctors delivered the boy by Caesarean section. The infant died, despite doctors' efforts to keep him alive.

Israeli soldiers conduct a search for suspects of a shooting attack on Dec. 9, 2018 in the West Bank City of Ramallah, Dec. 10, 2018.

He was buried Wednesday night.

"The murderers are abhorrent, the most deviant criminals on Earth," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin called the shooting an act of despicable terrorism. Danny Danon, Israel's permanent representative to the United Nations, said, "The world must strongly condemn this terror and not remain silent."

U.S. peace envoy Jason Greenblatt said the baby's death was "absolutely heartbreaking."

He condemned the militant group Hamas for calling the shooting "heroic."