New Report Finds World's Developed Economies Strengthening

Gordon Charlop, right, works with fellow traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. (March 2012 file photo)

A new report says the world's developed economies appear headed for stronger growth in the coming months, with China advancing as well.

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said Tuesday that its gauge of future economic growth in its 34 member nations edged up in February for the fourth straight month.

The OECD said the U.S., with the world's biggest economy, and Japan, with the third largest, are showing strong signs of advancing. The report said they had "regained momentum" in the aftermath of the global economic downturn in recent years.

In addition, the OECD said that Britain and Germany are experiencing a "positive change in momentum," but that economic activity in Italy and France continues to be sluggish.

The OECD said that among emerging economies, China especially is strengthening, with Brazil, India and Russia also improving.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.