New Warnings of Global Economic Downturn

An organization of some of the world's most powerful economies said growth is slowing down and could stall.

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said Monday a compilation from its 33 member nations of key economic statistics declined from July to August. OECD economists said the drop was small - one-tenth of a point - but causes concerns because it follows several months of little or no growth.

The OECD said even data from some of the world's largest emerging economies, including China, India and Brazil, "points strongly to a downturn."

The report also said data from Washington suggests the recovery in the United States also has peaked, while Germany, Japan and Russia are likely to see continued growth.

The OECD analyzes data for some of the world's top industrialized nations and serves as a forum for ideas on promoting economic growth. Its report Monday is based on a compilation of economic data designed to signal turning points between economic expansion and contraction.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.