Man Sets Himself Ablaze at Norway Mass Killer Trial

Medical personnel evacuate a man who set himself on fire outside the courthouse where Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is on trial for murdering 77 people last July, Oslo, May 15, 2012.

An unidentified man set himself on fire outside the Oslo courthouse where confessed killer Anders Behring Breivik is being tried.

Police said Tuesday the man doused himself with liquid before setting himself on fire in an apparent attempt to breach the security fence. Authorities told the Reuters news agency he also mumbled something but that officers on the scene could not make out what he was saying.

Witnesses said the man appeared to be a Norwegian in his 50s. Officials say he was taken to the hospital with serious injuries to his body.

Breivik admits to killing 77 people last July during attacks on a government building in Oslo and a political youth camp. He said he was acting to fight multiculturalism in Norway and what he sees as a Muslim invasion of Europe.

Breivik has told the court that a report declaring him insane was based on "fabrications" by court-appointed psychiatrists. He has previously said an insanity ruling would be "worse than death."

Norway does not have the death penalty, but if the court finds Breivik guilty and sane, he will serve a maximum 21-year sentence, which could be extended if he were considered a continued danger.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.