Obama: Everyone Should Be Able to Afford Higher Education

FILE - President Barack Obama in Chilmark, Mass., Aug. 11, 2014,

U.S. President Barack Obama says he wants to make sure that obtaining a higher education is affordable.

The U.S. leader said Saturday in his weekly address that paying for a higher education is a "constant struggle" for too many families and he wants to reverse that with new initiatives.

The new measures include a reformed student loan system with more money going to students instead of banks, an expansion of grants and college tax credits for students and their families, and a chance for students to cap their student loan payments at ten percent of their income.

President Obama called on Congress to pass a bill allowing students to refinance their loans at today's lower interest rates.

In the weekly Republican address, Representative Doug Collins from the southern state of Georgia called on Senate Democrats to pass bills approved by the Republican-led House. Collins said the Senate has failed to take action on more than 340 House-passed bills, including some with bipartisan support.