Obama Hosts 'Backyard' Theme Dinner for British PM Cameron

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama pose for an official photo with British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife, Samantha Cameron, before the White House state dinner, March 14, 2012.

"Garden-Inspired" State Dinner Menu

  • First course: Crisped halibut with potato crust, braised baby kale, shaved brussels sprouts and micro cabbage sprouts with applewood smoked bacon.
  • Second course: Spring garden lettuces, shaved radish, cucumbers and avocados with shallot dressing .
  • Main course: Bison Wellington, french and wax beans with herb butter.
  • Dessert: Steamed lemon pudding with Idaho huckleberry sauce with Newtown Pippin apples.

Wednesday night's White House state dinner for British Prime Minister David Cameron was held in a tent on the White House grounds.

The White House says the decor was inspired by the American tradition of hosting gatherings in the backyard, as well as the British love of elaborate gardens.

"To her Majesty the Queen on her diamond jubilee, to our dear friends David and Samantha, to the great purpose and design of our lives, may we remain now and always in His faithful service, cheers everybody," U.S. President Barack Obama said.

"Barack, it is an honor to call you an ally,a partner and a friend. You don't get to choose the circumstances you have to deal with as a president or a prime minister and you don't get to choose the leaders you have to work with, but all I can say is that it is a pleasure to work with someone with moral strength, with clear reason and with fundamental decency in this task of renewing our great national alliance for today and for the generations to follow," Britian Prime Minister David Cameron responded.

The British folk rock band Mumford and Sons, and rhythm and blues singer John Legend, entertained the guests.

The White House has hosted three other state dinners for British prime ministers: Tony Blair in 1998, Margaret Thatcher in 1988, and James Callaghan in 1977.