Obama Presses Congress to Pass Climate Bill

U.S. President Barack Obama is calling for the passage of a comprehensive energy and climate bill and for the country to "fully embrace a clean energy future."

In a speech he is to deliver in Pennsylvania Wednesday, Mr. Obama says there may not be enough votes in the Senate to pass the climate legislation now, but he intends to find the support in the coming months. The House of Representatives has already passed an energy and climate bill.

Mr. Obama also criticizes opposition Republicans for what he calls their failed economic policies of the past, and for not helping in his efforts to improve the economy and implement health insurance reform. He says Republicans "sat on the sidelines and shouted from the bleachers" (were not involved in the process, but still criticized) as he sought to implement the reforms.

For their part, Republicans have accused Mr. Obama and his fellow Democrats of extravagant spending policies that have driven up the debt.