Obama Promotes Clean Energy Policy

US President Barack Obama records the weekly address, 01 Oct 2010

U.S. President Barack Obama is promoting his administration's efforts to develop alternative, clean sources of energy that he says can provide jobs and reduce the nation's dependency on foreign oil. He adds, thanks to energy incentives launched by his administration, the first new type of solar power plant is being built in the United States that promises to provide clean energy for as many as 140,000 homes.

In his weekly address, President Obama said said there is no sector in the U.S. economy holds more promise for new jobs then clean energy.

The president says his administration has made an historic commitment to clean energy technology, and as an example, he cited a new type of solar power plant being built this month in the western state of California. Once completed, the clean air power plant, called "Bright Source" will use the sun to provide energy for up to 140,000 homes and provide jobs for about 1,000 people.

But President Obama warns that if Republicans gain control in Congress, they plan to scrap incentives for such clean energy projects, which he says, does not make sense.

"To go backwards, and scrap these plans, means handing the competitive edge to China and other nations," he said. "It means that we will grow even more dependent on foreign oil. And at a time of economic hardship, it means forgoing jobs that we desperately need. In fact, shutting down just this one project, would cost about 1,000 jobs."

Watch President Obama's weekly address:

Meanwhile, in their weekly address Republicans charge Mr. Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress have not done enough to protect jobs that already exist. U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky says the Democratic leaders adjourned Congress this week without passing legislation that would extend tax cuts enacted by former President George W. Bush, a move that he says threatens job growth.

"So, after maxing out the federal credit card on a failed stimulus bill, and a government run health care bill, they want even more," he said. "And that is why they are holding middle class Americans hostage in their pursuit of their foolish desire to tax America's job creators in the middle of a recession.

Democrats say the tax cuts McConnell is arguing for benefit only the wealthiest of Americans.

Watch Senator Mitch McConnell's address: