Pakistani Governor Escapes Rocket Attack

Pakistani officials say militants fired rockets at a meeting convened by a provincial governor in the country's northwest, killing one person and wounding at least four others.

Authorities say at least two rockets targeted the gathering early Tuesday in Kalaya, a town in the Orakzai tribal agency. The governor of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province Masood Kausar was not injured.

Orakzai is one of Pakistan's seven semi-autonomous tribal agencies and the only one that does not share a border with Afghanistan.

While no one claimed responsibility for the attack, the Pakistani Taliban operates in the area and frequently attack government targets. The Pakistani military has launched several operations against militants throughout the country's northwest.

Meanwhile, officials in the southwestern Baluchistan province say gunmen on motorbikes fired at least one oil tanker bound for NATO forces in Afghanistan. The truck was set ablaze in the attack.

Attacks on Afghanistan-bound convoys are common in Pakistan, as most of the international coalition's supplies moved overland go through militant-infested areas of the country.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.