Pakistan Home Secretary Arrives in India for Dialogue

Officials from India and Pakistan are due to meet in New Delhi Monday for two days of wide-ranging talks aimed at enhancing relations and advancing their slow-moving peace process.

India's Home Secretary G.K. Pillai and his Pakistani counterpart, Chaudhary Qamar Zaman, are expected to focus on the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks and exchange views on a number of issues, including counter-terrorism and relaxation of visa rules.

India broke off formal peace talks with Pakistan following the Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people. New Delhi blames militants based in Pakistan for carrying out the three-day siege.

Last month, New Delhi and Islamabad decided to restart the stalled peace process. In that spirit, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh invited his Pakistani counterpart, Yousuf Raza Gilani, to India to watch the semi-final of the cricket World Cup between the two countries Wednesday.