Pakistan Troops Kill Militants in NW Pakistan

The Pakistani military says its troops have killed nearly 40 militants in two separate attacks Sunday in the northwest region of the country.

Officials say both offensives were in the Orakzai tribal area near the Afghan border.

A government official said several dozen militants attacked a village, but troops beat them back, killing many of the insurgents.

Hours later, militants and troops battled in another area of the region. A government official says 12 rebels were killed in that fight.

Pakistan's military figures cannot be independently verified because access to the remote area is limited.

Pakistan's military began an offensive in Orakzai in March to flush out Taliban insurgents believed to have fled an earlier military offensive in South Waziristan.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.,70.230103&sspn=1.928263,3.982544&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pakistan&ll=31.802893,69.038086&spn=13.05419,21.09375&z=5&output=embed