Pakistan Truck Blast Kills at Least 18, Wounds 40

Pakistani officials say 18 people were killed and 40 others injured when a truck carrying chemicals exploded Monday in the southern city of Hyderabad.

Several nearby shops were destroyed by the blast, which authorities described as an accident caused by a buildup of chemicals in the truck's storage tank.

In Pakistan's northwest, military officials said four soldiers were killed by militants who attacked an army convoy in the Bajaur tribal region. A government official said three militants were killed in the gunfight.

Sunday, Reporters Without Borders said separatist gunmen murdered a local newspaper reporter as he drove in his car in Baluchistan province. The Paris-based media rights group says he was the sixth media worker to be killed this year in Pakistan, which it calls the world's most dangerous country for journalists.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.