Peru Protesters Seek President’s Removal

FILE - Peru's President Pedro Castillo attends a press conference at the Presidential Palace in Lima, Peru, Oct. 11, 2022.

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets across Peru on Saturday to demand the resignation of leftist President Pedro Castillo.

Castillo’s government is under investigation following several corruption charges.

In Lima, the capital, protesters marched toward Congress, but their procession was halted when dozens of riot police released tear gas. There were no immediate reports of injuries.

While Castillo has been in office for a little more than a year, he has already faced two impeachment attempts.

Lawmakers want him to face a third trial, even though it is widely recognized that there are likely insufficient votes for his removal.

Lucas Ghersi, a conservative lawyer who was one of the organizers of Saturday’s march told Reuters, “We see a government involved in corruption and Congress doesn't react.”

Saturday, before the marches, Castillo denied the allegations that he and his family were corrupt: "Today, they are trying to break us with disinformation, false accusations and unimaginable slander so that we give up our will for change, which the country needs, and accept the power of those who do not want the humble. They do not want to see the poor, the citizens who face tremendous inequalities in Peru."

Peru’s attorney general has filed a constitutional complaint against the president with Congress. Opposition lawmakers are hoping the complaint will end with Castillo’s removal from office.

Some information in this report came from Reuters, The Associated Press and Agence France-Presse.