Trump Disapproval Rating at Seven-Decade High for US Presidents

U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania wave as they arrive at Yokota Air Base at Fussa in Tokyo, Nov. 5, 2017.

By a wide margin, U.S. voters are continuing to disapprove of President Donald Trump's performance in office.

In the latest national survey, The Washington Post and ABC News said that 59 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing in the White House and 37 percent approve. He was elected a year ago this week and assumed power in January.

The newspaper said Trump's approval rating is "demonstrably lower than any previous chief executive at this point in his presidency over seven decades of polling."

In a mirror of the sharp political divisions in the U.S., half of those who disapprove of his performance strongly disapprove of the job he is doing.

The results in the Post-ABC poll are similar to those in other recent surveys on Trump. The Gallup poll, which tracks national political sentiment in the U.S. on a three-day rolling average, said Friday that Trump has a 56-to-39 percent negative standing. In its most recent poll three weeks ago, Quinnipiac University pegged Trump's national standing at 56-to-38 negative.

At 100 days into the presidency, in late April, 42 percent of Americans said they thought Trump had accomplished a great deal, but now that number has slipped to 35 percent, according to the Post-ABC poll.

The Post report said 65 percent of those surveyed believe that Trump has accomplished "not much" or "little or nothing."

The survey also showed 51 percent of Americans do not trust Trump's handling of the threat posed by North Korea as Pyongyang pursues development of a nuclear weapon.

The Post reports that half of all Americans think the president has a bias against black people and more than half, 55 percent, think he is biased against women.

However, of those who voted for Trump in the election, 91 percent continue to approve of his performance.

The poll was conducted between October 29 and November 1. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.