Obama Touts Education Reforms

The White House says President Barack Obama will deliver a major education reform speech at the National Urban League convention in Washington, Thursday.

It says Mr. Obama will discuss how his "Race to the Top" federal grant initiative program and other efforts are driving education improvements across the U.S.

"Race to the Top" provides financial incentives to states that address issues that include a focus on transforming the lowest-performing schools and employing effective teachers and principals. Mr. Obama unveiled the initiative last July.

Earlier this week, the National Urban League and six other civil rights groups released a report that voiced concern about some of the Obama administration's education programs, including "Race to the Top."

The rights groups said the grant process for the program highlights concerns about "an approach to education funding that relies too heavily on competition."

The White House says President Obama will also address what it calls "unprecedented support" for common education standards by a majority of states as well as the administration's commitment to developing effective education assessments.

Later Thursday, Mr. Obama will discuss consumer protection issues and attend a Democratic National Committee fundraiser.