President Saleh's Return to Yemen Uncertain

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh waves to his supporters (not pictured) during a rally in Sana'a, April 15, 2011 (file photo).

Yemen's acting leader says President Ali Abdullah Saleh was so severely wounded in an attack on his presidential compound earlier this month that it is uncertain when he will return from Saudi Arabia where he is undergoing medical treatment.

Vice President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi told CNN Wednesday that he saw Saleh immediately after the bomb attack and that the Yemeni leader had a piece of wood in his chest and burns to his face, arms and upper body.

Earlier Wednesday, the Yemeni leader instructed his deputy to hold talks with political opponents on a regional plan for a transition of power. The country's main opposition coalition, however, dismissed the announcement.

Opposition spokesman Mohammed Qahtan said the country's dire economic and security situation does not allow for more meetings and negotiations. He said Saleh should immediately transfer power before any dialogue can take place.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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