Mentally Ill Girls at Risk of Rape in South Africa

A female resident of Ikhaya Loxolo begins a morning school lesson … Most of the mentally disabled and mentally ill women here have been raped (VOA/ D. Taylor)

One of the home’s caregivers helps patients to harvest vegetables for the day’s meals (VOA/Taylor)

“They call this place ‘hell’s garden,’” says Zwelisithile Bendlela, a local traditional healer (VOA/Taylor)

The home’s director, Alex Gunther, gives instructions to caregivers and patients as the day’s harvest begins on Ikhaya Loxolo’s farm (VOA/Taylor)

In Hobeni, like in other parts of South Africa, criminals target disabled women and girls for rape (VOA/Taylor)

One of Ikhaya Loxolo’s female residents feeds chickens in the home’s dining hall (VOA/Taylor)

The Xhosa chief of Hobeni, Patrick Fudumele, is doing his best to protect the area’s mentally disabled women and girls from sexual abuse (VOA/Taylor)

The home’s residents are particularly fond of Alex’s husband, Michael, who manages Ikhaya Loxolo’s farm (VOA/Taylor)

Alex Gunther says all mentally disabled and mentally ill people deserve love and dignity (VOA/Taylor)

Community elder Mama ka Blondie [left] and Alex Gunther prepare to serve lunch at Ikhaya Loxolo (VOA/Taylor)

Alex and Michael Gunther gaze over their land in Hobeni in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province (VOA/Taylor)

Alex Gunther picks herbs in the home’s garden (VOA/Taylor)