Report: Corruption Growing in Vietnam

A new report on global corruption trends finds more than half of Vietnam’s population believes corruption has increased in recent years. In a survey done by Transparency International, 55% of respondents from Vietnam felt an increase in corruption, compared to an average of 48% in Southeast Asia as a whole.

Only 18% of the Vietnamese surveyed said that corruption has decreased, while 27% said the level has stayed the same. Additionally, the Global Corruption Barometer (2013) indicates Vietnamese are less confident in their government’s ability to stop corruption than in past years.

Out of 13 areas surveyed, law enforcement, health care services, and land ownership were said to be most affected by corruption. Transparency International says the Vietnamese people want their government to handle corruption in a more objective way, as well as strengthen the integrity of government officials and law enforcement officers.

Another issue highlighted by the report is a desire for Vietnam to protect the victims and witnesses of government corruption. Although Vietnamese citizens are pessimistic about corruption, they say they play a major role in fighting against corruption.