Donald Trump will get his first official national security briefing Wednesday in New York, U.S. media reports said, two days after he said wiping out Islamic extremism would be the center of his foreign policy.
U.S. law requires major presidential candidates to get such a meeting with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence so they do not enter the White House uninformed about national security.
President Barack Obama has called Trump "unfit" to be president.
Trump has a reputation of ignoring prepared speeches and delivering spontaneous remarks. Some in Washington are concerned the sharp-tongued Trump may reveal some of the classified information he receives in the briefing.
Obama said last week that presidential candidates must act like presidents, "and that means being able to receive these briefings and not spread them around."
'Extreme vetting'
Trump's national security plans include what he calls "extreme vetting" of would-be immigrants to the United States to ensure they respect the U.S. Constitution, the American people and their values. Anyone who hates Jews or gays or preaches bigotry will be kept out, Trump said Monday.
Some analysts said his comments were nothing but a repackaging of his earlier stated desires to restrict Muslim immigration.
Trump has said his national security policy would focus on wiping out Islamic State and working with U.S. allies, including Russia, to reach that goal — something the Obama administration has been trying to do.
Trump gave no specifics about his plans and again blamed Obama and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state, for allowing IS to emerge and flourish.
"It just absolutely bewilders me when I hear Donald Trump try to talk about national security," Clinton said Tuesday while campaigning in Philadelphia.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a baby as she greets people in the audience at a Pennsylvania Democratic Party voter registration event at West Philadelphia High School in Philadelphia, Aug. 16, 2016.
National security objections
She later tweeted, "It's not just that Trump doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to national security. His words are dangerous and they hurt us."
But Clinton did not specify which Trump statement or statements she found objectionable. She instead urged the crowd to register to vote and not be complacent, even though she leads in most polls and experts predict a big win for the Democrat in November's general election.
"I'm not taking anyone for granted," Clinton said.
Meanwhile, Trump was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, later Tuesday to meet with top police officials after another police killing of a young black male last week set off riots in the Midwestern city.
Trump called it a matter of law and order. "We have to obey the laws or we don't have a country," he told Fox News.
Trump praised the police in Milwaukee and elsewhere, saying they do a "phenomenal job."