Republicans Officially Take Full Control of US Congress

Members of the House of Representatives, many with their families, stand for the Pledge of Allegiance as they gather for the opening session of the 114th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 6, 2015.

Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas holds his daughter, Andrea Elena Castro, as he stands with his brother, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro as they join other members of the House of Representatives for the opening session of the 114th Congress, Washington, Jan. 6, 2015.

Votes are taken for House Speaker during the opening session of the 114th Congress as Republicans assume full control for the first time in eight years, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 6, 2015.

Members of the House of Representatives bow their heads during a prayer as they gather for the opening session of the 114th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 6, 2105.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. (right) greets House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio as the House of Representatives gathered for the opening session of the 114th Congress, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 6, 2015.