Bahrain Says 7 Bombing Suspects in Custody


Seven people suspected of involvement in deadly bombings targeting Bahrain's security forces have been apprehended, the public prosecutor's office said on its official Twitter page on Monday.

The office said it had interrogated and remanded into custody “a terrorist cell that specialized in explosive projectiles and devices that can be detonated from afar.”

The suspects were involved in two bombings in as many days in December that killed a policeman and a civilian, the prosecutor said.

The office did not disclose when the group was arrested, who its members are or when they might face trial.

Bahrain, which is home to the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, was swept by unrest during the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings when the majority Shi'ites demanded political reforms.

Since then, more protests have erupted sporadically and there have been a growing number of attacks using explosives.