Romanian President Lauds Anti-corruption Protesters

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis speaks with an AP reporter at the Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest, Romania, Feb. 8, 2017.

Corruption can't be stopped, but it must be controlled, even in a country where the abuse of power is a legacy of communist days. That's the message of the Romanian president after a tumultuous eight days of protests derailed a government plan to weaken corruption laws by decree.

Klaus Iohannis told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the fight to contain corruption in his country showed the "ugly face of society," and he praised protesters for standing up to block a government measure that would have eased up on public officials who abuse their power.

The massive street protests have for the moment halted the emergency decree, which would have removed penalties for some graft if the amount involved was less than about $48,500.

Iohannis, 57, said he was pleased that protesters made their opposition known in peaceful demonstrations that spread from the capital, Bucharest, to other parts of the country.

Big crowd

"I was surprised by the size of the crowd," he said. "Having over 200,000 people in Piata Victoriei [Victory Square] is something extraordinary."

Iohannis, who was elected in 2014 by direct vote, was chairman of the opposition Liberal Party until he quit to stand as president, a post with limited powers. He has been critical of the government headed by Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, which came into being after the December parliamentary elections.

FILE - A woman holds up a sign that reads "Government without corruption" during a demonstration of thousands of Romanians against their government in Bucharest, Feb. 6, 2017.

Iohannis said widespread corruption was a stubborn remnant of the country's communist past, which ended with the 1989 popular uprising that toppled dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

"It's certainly not going to finish in a year or two or four," Iohannis said at the ornate 17th-century presidential palace. "Intense anti-corruption fighting is not something nice. It brings up the ugly face of society we want to eradicate. But it takes time."

He said corruption would never stop but it could be greatly slowed, with fewer politicians and public employees tempted to exploit their positions in the face of increased prosecution and public resistance.

Iohannis seems to have emerged from the crisis in a stronger position. The center-left government of Grindeanu appears to have miscalculated the public's response to its late-night emergency decree last week.

It did survive a vote of no-confidence Wednesday, reflecting its continued support in parliament.

FILE - Romanian Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu leaves a meeting of the Social Democratic Party at the parliament in Bucharest, Romania, Feb. 6, 2017.

Parliamentary majority

The win had been expected because the Social Democratic Party and its junior partner, the Alliance of Democratic Liberals, enjoy a solid majority in parliament, even though analysts say their standing with the public has dropped in the past week.

The massive protests were the largest seen since communism collapsed in Romania in 1989.

In Brussels, European Union officials said they backed Romania's anti-corruption effort, which has gained pace in recent years, threatening many entrenched interests and leading to the failed attempt to impose the emergency decree.

Frans Timmermans, EU rule-of-law chief, said Romania should maintain its pursuit of wrongdoers, "which has been successful so far, so it can reach the point of no return."