Former Police Officer Jailed for Politkovskaya Murder in Moscow

Politkovskaya's daughter Vera, background, looks at former police officer Dmitry Pavlyuchenko, right, prior to the judge's verdict, at the Moscow City Court, Russia, December 14, 2012

A Russian court has sentenced a former police officer to 11 years in prison and fined him some $100,000 for his role in the 2006 murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.

The sentencing of Dmitry Pavlyuchenkov came Friday after a speedy trial in which the defendant struck a plea bargain that qualified him for a reduced sentence in exchange for cooperation.

People light candles next to a portrait of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya during a rally in St. Petersburg (File 2006)

Critics of the sentence, including the victim's family, say it is too mild. They also complain that the defendant failed to name the person who ordered the killing. The lawyer for the Politkovskaya family says she will appeal.

Anna Politkovskaya, shot to death in her apartment on October 7, 2006, was known for reporting that was critical of the government and President Vladimir Putin.