Russian President Calls Terrorism A Global Fight

Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev is calling on countries around the world to work together to defeat terrorism. He says Russia would not be intimidated by extremists and would continue the fight against terrorism until it won. Mr. Medvedev made his remarks during a keynote address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Mr. Medvedev condemned the act of terrorism that claimed some 35 lives and injured more than 100 people. He said the bombing of the airport in Moscow has caused indignation throughout the world. And, he thanked the many world leaders who had sent their condolences. “Together we mourn the loss of life. The pain from the loss of human lives, of course, will stay in our hearts for long. But, what has happened only strengthened our resolve to find an effective protection against international terror,” he said.

Mr. Medvedev said the bombing was timed to prevent him from coming to Davos. He said those who committed this heinous crime expected it would bring Russia to its knees. But, they failed to achieve their goal.

He noted no country is immune to acts of terror. They can happen anywhere. “Our success in countering this common threat depends very much on our solidarity and concerted action, particularly during the period where globalization has made our world much more interdependent than it was some time ago and we have to intensify and build upon our efforts in our joint struggle against terrorism,” he said.

In a shift of gears, the Russian president pointed out that world solidarity was needed in other spheres as well. He noted that governments had to pull together to prevent environmental degradation, to use energy wisely, and to combat weather extremes resulting from climate change.

He applauded the benefits derived from the new social networking systems. But, warned these social instruments also could be used by extremists to push their agendas of ethnic and religious hatred, to further the damage being done by traffickers, drug lords, arms merchants and terrorists.

He assured his audience that Russia was interested in more closely integrating its economy and society with the West. He noted his country faced many criticisms from other nations about its supposed lack of democracy and rule of law.

Though Russia was confronted by terrorism and social problems, he said major changes were taking place. Russia was developing and moving ahead. “Indeed, we have not yet reached outstanding results in our efforts, but we are full of resolve to continue to persevere. We are learning ourselves and we are willing to receive friendly advice. But, what we do not need is lecturing. We should be working together,” he said.

Despite its differences with other nations, Mr. Medvedev said Russia was an open country that has become a part of the world community. With that he ended his speech and told his listeners that regrettably he had to cut short his stay in Davos.

Given the emergency back home, he said he was going back immediately to Moscow.