Scientists Plan a Controlled Nuclear Meltdown

និស្សិត​បាតុករ​ម្នាក់​ចាកចេញ​ពីឡាន​ឃុំ​ឃាំង​ ខណៈ​ដែល​លោក​ត្រូវ​បាន​បញ្ចូន​ទៅ​តុលាការ​នៅ​ក្នុងទីក្រុង​ Letpadan​ ប្រទេស​ភូមា កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​ពុធ​ ទី​១១ ខែ​មីនា​ ឆ្នាំ​២០១៥។

Japanese nuclear scientists say they plan to create a controlled nuclear meltdown looking for clues how to deal with possible future disasters.

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency said Thursday said it will use a scaled-down nuclear reactor to deliberately create conditions of a serious malfunction. The experiment will start later this year at a research facility in Ibaraki, north of Tokyo.

Meltdowns occur when the nuclear fuel in the reactor's core, normally very hot in order to create steam for turbines that create electricity, overheats beyond its melting point. This can cause explosion and release of radioactive material, as has happened at the Fukushima nuclear plant in 2011, after it was hit by an earthquake and tsunami.

But Edwin Lyman, a senior scientist at The Union of Concerned Scientists, says Japanese researchers are going to take only a small sample of the fuel that was in the Fukushima reactor and will subject it to conditions that will cause it to melt, so they can actually study how this process occurs.

"This type of experiment is usually under very carefully controlled conditions," he said. "The amount of material involved is very small and the facility is going to be secured and filtered. So I think there's very little risk associated with this experiment to the public."

Lyman added for many decades similar experiments have been carried out in many different facilities on a very limited basis.

"They are, however, very expensive and preparations are extremely difficult, so there's relatively little data available from this type of experiment, and this is one of the reasons why the Japanese are doing this one now," he said.

Since the accident at Fukushima plant, the Japanese public has become much more interested in the prevention of future accidents. Similar tests have been conducted by all major nations with nuclear power plants, including the United States, but never in Japan.