South Sudan Parliament Acts on Corruption

The south Sudan parliament has passed a resolution clearing way for an official investigation into corrupt deals that robbed south Sudanese of billions of US dollars worth subsidised grains

The parliament of South Sudan passed a resolution yesterday clearing the way for an official investigation into corrupt deals that allegedly robbed the south Sudanese people of billions of US dollars worth of subsidised grains back in 2008.

The grain, popularly known in South Sudan as dura, was supposed to be sold to the hungry population in all ten states at a fixed, low price. The businessmen supplying the grains would then get subsidies from the government. But many of the companies allegedly took the subsidies and never delivered the grain.

The parliament summoned the care-taker minister of finance, David Deng Athorbei, and the former minister of finance, Kuol Athian, to explain what happened. Kuol Athian says he is innocent and explained to members of Parliament that he paid companies who had proof of delivery and acknowledgement from the states that they had received the grain. However, reports from the states refute this claim, saying most of the dura never arrived.

To learn more, I got in touch with Ngor Ayuel Kacgor, a business executive and former chairman of south Sudan chamber of commerce.

Click the link below or at top right for an interview with Ngor Ayuel Kacigor by VOA’s John Tanza.