Sudan Ready to Implement Agreements with Chad

Chad's President Idriss Deby is in Sudan for talks aimed at easing hostile relations between the two countries.

Mr. Deby was greeted at Khartoum Airport on Monday by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

The two leaders then went into closed-door talks.

Later, Mr. Bashir said Sudan is committed to boosting ties with Chad and is ready to carry out all agreements the two countries have signed.

He said restoring normal relations would play a "big role" in resolving the Darfur conflict.

Sudan has repeatedly accused Chad of supporting rebels in Darfur, while Chad has accused Sudan of backing rebels trying to topple Mr. Deby's government.

The central African neighbors have signed several agreements and peace deals over the past five years, none of which have been implemented.

Relations improved late last year following high-level talks about ending the rebel attacks and a new agreement to create a joint border security force.

The countries share a border of more than 900 kilometers that is difficult to protect and relatively easy for rebels to cross.

The Darfur conflict has run since 2003, when rebels rose up against Sudan's government. The United Nations says the conflict has killed up to 300,000 people and displaced some 2.7 million others.

About a quarter-million of the displaced live in camps in eastern Chad.

Sudan puts the death toll from the conflict much lower, at 10,000.