Suez Canal Had Record High Revenues in April

A megaship prepares to enter the Suez Canal from the Gulf of Suez at the northern end of the Red Sea. The waterway has been operating around the clock. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

Taking a break during the Eid al-Fitr holidays, two Egyptian men gaze at huge ships heading into the canal from the Red Sea. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

With its scenic views, the canal is a leisure spot for many Egyptians. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

A campaign poster left over Egypt's 2018 presidential election still hangs on the Suez corniche, showing Egyptian President Sisi in military attire during the opening ceremony of the new Suez Canal corridor. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

The 2015 opening of the new corridor of the Suez Canal is commemorated on Egyptian coins. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)