Bomb Blasts Around Baghdad Kill 15

Security force personnel inspect a destroyed car at the scene of a car bomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, May 22, 2011

A series of explosions in an around the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has left at least 15 people dead.

Among the targets was a police checkpoint in the town of Taji, about 20 kilometers north of the capital, where more than 10 people were killed and nearly two dozen wounded.

Authorities say the police in Taji were investigating the site of a roadside bomb blast when a suicide attacker walked into the crowd and detonated his explosives.

Police and security personnel have become a favorite target of Iraqi insurgents as the United States prepares to withdraw the remaining 45,000 troops it has stationed in the country. The U.S. forces are due to leave Iraq by year's end.

Last week, nearly 30 people were killed in an attack against a police station in the northern city of Kirkuk.

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