Suspected US Drone Strike Kills 2 in NW Pakistan

A MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle prepares to land after a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan

Pakistani intelligence officials say a suspected U.S. drone missile strike has killed at least two people in the country's Taliban-dominated North Waziristan tribal region.

Officials said the missiles hit a home near the main city Miran Shah. It is not known if the dead are militants or civilians.

North Waziristan is considered to be a stronghold of the Taliban-allied Haqqani network in Afghanistan and a haven for al Qaida fighters.

It borders Khost province in Afghanistan, where last week a suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers at a base where agents are believed to coordinate drone strikes in the border region.

Earlier, police in the Hangu district in northwest Pakistan said a roadside bomb killed a former provincial minister and at least two other people.

Officials say the blast hit the car in which Ghanni-ur Rehman was traveling. Police say his driver and bodyguard were also killed in Sunday's attack in the Hangu district in North West Frontier Province.

Taliban and al-Qaida-linked militants carry out near daily attacks across northwest Pakistan and in the tribal region along the Afghan border.

In South Waziristan, where Pakistan's army continues an anti-Taliban offensive, a military statement said fighting in the last day had killed eight suspected militants and two soldiers. The statement said troops had detained 25 people. In the greater Swat valley, Pakistan's military said security forces shot dead four suspected terrorists who refused demands to stop.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.