Syrian Students Rally for Anti-Government Protesters

Syrian state television video footage shows mourners carrying a coffin during the funeral of two members of the security forces after they were allegedly killed by "armed groups", in Hama, north of Damascus, on April 10, 2011

Syrian security forces have broken up a student demonstration at Damascus University in support of anti-government protesters. Activists report several arrests.

Despite a continuing government crackdown, the three-week backlash against the government of President Bashar Assad's government appears to be growing.

Syrian troops moved into the coastal city of Banias on Monday following shootings in the city that left four anti-government protesters dead.

Witnesses say soldiers on trucks and tanks took up positions around the city.

Demonstrators have been calling for sweeping political reforms. Assad has responded with both force and limited concessions that have failed to satisfy demands for an overhaul of Syrian institutions.

Witnesses and human rights activists say security forces and pro-government gunmen killed four protesters and wounded dozens Sunday as demonstrators gathered at the Al-Rahman mosque for an anti-government rally.

State-run media reported that nine Syrian security officers were also killed when their patrol was ambushed near Banias in apparent retaliation.

The government blames the violence on armed gangs and has vowed to crush further unrest.

State media quoted Assad on Sunday as saying the country is on the road to comprehensive reforms.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.

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