Taliban Captures NATO Dog

This video frame grab taken from a pro-Taliban website shows an alleged British military service dog being held on a leash by alleged Taliban insurgents, Feb. 6, 2014.

The Taliban said it has captured a military dog belonging to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. The insurgents have posted a video of the canine on Facebook.

The militants said the dog was captured in a battle in eastern Laghman province late last year. They said the dog was wearing a camera and a GPS device when it was captured.

NATO confirmed Friday that one of its dogs went missing during a mission in December, but gave no other details.

Western military officials speaking anonymously said the dog belongs to British forces.

The Taliban said the dog is in good condition and is being called "Colonel." The dog was shown in the video wearing a vest and the devices, surrounded by armed men. A Taliban spokesman said the dog's fate has not yet been determined.

Military service dogs are used to sniff out bombs and are also used in special forces raids to help subdue suspects. Bringing dogs into homes during raids is controversial in Afghanistan because dogs are considered unclean by many Muslims.

The Washington Post has identified Colonel as a Belgian Malinois, a breed similar to the German Shepherd. A Malinois featured prominently in the capture of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.